Browse the Conscious Roots Blog
Curious about self-care beyond bubble baths and want to dive deeper into nurturing your mental health?
Wondering about what really happens inside a therapy session, or how you can learn to better support your kid (and yourself!) through tricky parenting moments? On the blog, you’ll find tips, tools, strategies, and stories to help you along the way. Explore book reviews, inside peeks behind our counseling office doors, articles on the reality of parenting in all its messy glory, and grounding tools for times you could use a lift.

A Therapist’s Review of “Yours Truly” by Abby Jimenez
A Mental Health Therapist Reviews Romance Novel “Yours Truly” by Abby Jimenez
How to Improve Your Mental Health as a Parent
Learning to balance parenting and self-care is difficult. Check out these tips for how to improve your mental health as a parent.
Understanding Play Therapy and Identifying 8 Ways Play Therapy Can Benefit a Child
Play Therapy is an evidenced-based form of therapy specifically tailored to children by using playful techniques.
Managing Mental Health with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)
Type 1 Diabetes can take a toll on the mental health of the person diagnosed with T1D and their family. Managing the stress and mental health associated with balancing diabetes is also important.