Money Spent on Therapy is an Investment in One’s Mental Health

Think about all the things on which you regularly spend money – shopping, drinks, restaurants, weekend trips, gifts for friends, cell phone bills, medical bills, pets and physical beauty. It can all add up to a steep bill on a monthly basis. Compare this with the amount of money you spend on your mental health. Is your mental health worth the amount of money you are spending? Is it worth more? Less? What are you willing to pay in order to improve your mental health?

Consider the money you spend on therapy as an investment in YOU. The more you invest in your mental health—whether through time spent in session, reading articles, practicing new ways of thinking and behaving, etc. -- the higher your returns. How much time, money and effort are you willing to put in for improvements in self-esteem, satisfaction with life, lowering anxiety, etc.? Perhaps you have put off seeing a therapist or maybe you see one but only once a month or you cancel often. Like most things in life, if you’re not willing to invest, you can’t expect positive returns.


Equation for Life and Parenting


Suicide Prevention